Careers Team

Blank Placeholder

Careers Lead

Mrs A Hollinshead

Careers Support

Mrs P Cheval

Enterprise Coordinator

Ms C Steggles
  • Enterprise Co-ordinator for West Kent
  • Provides strategic advice to careers team at the school

Enterprise Advisor

Mr L Smith
  • Enterprise Advisor – a local employer who provides advice to the school, allowing us to work effectively with other employers.
  • Vivid Pixel Creative Ltd

Leadership Team

Miss L Elliott

Link Governor

Mrs L Stewart
  • Link Governor

Engagement Team

These are specialists and Level 6 Careers Advisors who support activities in the school for all students, but also work specifically with students and their families who need more support due to a variety of reasons.

  • Engagement officer at the Education People, working with young people who are at risk of becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training) from age 16+.
  • Support and signpost students and parents – particularly to apprenticeships. Also advise businesses or parents who wish to take on a young person as an apprentice.
  • Marie Colgan is our JCP Schools Adviser from the Department for Work and Pensions, based with Jobcentre Plus. She supports activities in school that help our students become ‘job-ready’. She also supports any of our sixth form students who at risk of becoming NEET from age 18+. If you would like to contact her, please ask Mrs Hollinshead for a referral.
  • Kent Supported Employment – work with students and their families who are aged 16+, live in Kent, want to find paid work, and face additional barriers to finding a job because of a disability or health condition. To find out more, you can either speak to Mrs Hollinshead or contact the service directly.
  • For students and their families who are facing a transition (e.g. to a local college or university) and feel they might need support from the institution or provider before this happens, please email Mrs Hollinshead (Sixth Form) or Mrs Gower (Year 11).