Reminder – Nut and Peanut Free School
From September 2019 we will be Peanut and Nut Free School.
As you will likely be aware, a significant number of our staff, students and visitors have a severe allergic reaction to nuts and peanuts. Severe allergic reactions result in anaphylaxis and can be fatal.
Nuts and Peanuts can cause severe allergic reactions in a wide range of ways. A person with an allergy does not have to eat nuts or peanuts to have a severe reaction, this can be caused by surface contact and airborne particles. This allergy effects approximately 1/50 children and adults.
In recent years we have seen a sharp increase in snacks containing peanuts and a rise in the use of peanut butter in sandwiches.
As a school we have a responsibility to keep our students, staff and visitors safe and to reduce risk of harm. As you can imagine in a busy school environment this can be a challenge and following consideration, we feel the only way to protect those students is by removing the allergens from the school.
What this will mean?
- Peanut and nut based products will no longer be sold in the canteen.
- Students, staff and visitors will not be able to bring products containing nuts or peanuts into school.
- Items that are found to break this rule will be confiscated and disposed of safely.
What products will not be allowed in school?
- Peanuts and nuts and products containing peanuts or nuts.
- Peanut butter or peanut based chocolate snacks (Snickers/ Reece’s pieces etc).
- Items where peanuts or nuts are listed as main ingredients.
- Nut or peanut based oils or products.
What products are allowed?
- Items that “may contain nuts” and “may contain traces of nuts” or “made in factories that use nuts” These present a low risk and are not direct ingredients in the products.
- All other non- nut based snacks and food stuff.
All pre-packaged food sold within the EU, including the UK, must declare and highlight the presence in the ingredient list of 14 major allergens even if they appear in small quantities. These 14 allergens include peanuts and common tree nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashew nuts, pecan nuts, Brazil nuts, pistachio nuts, macadamia nuts and Queensland nuts).
To find out more information about nut and peanut allergies please follow the link below: