Mr Cater’s Weekly Challenge
As we approach the end of term 6 and the start of the summer break this will be the final update on my weekly challenges. I have been incredibly impressed with the effort, creativity and endeavour that our students have shown throughout these challenges. I hope that they met their goal of offering some fun, interesting and different challenges during the lockdown and school closure period.
I am proud to announce the final winners of the Maths Challenge (vouchers are on their way) and also the winners of the 3 X £10 vouchers drawn randomly from the names of all who took part in these challenges.
The winners of the £10 voucher for the Maths challenge are:
Yr 7- Emelia D
Yr 8- Rubie May M
Yr 9- Isla P
Yr 10- Hannah C
Below is one of the entries from Emelia D if anyone is keen to brush up on their Maths – There maybe a career in teaching for all of these winners!
The winners of the random prize draw for entires throughout the weekly challenges are:
Marcus V
Catherine D
Lola B
£10 Amazon vouchers are on their way to you.
Last week I challenged students to document a campout evening and you certainly rose to the challenge.
The winner this week was Alex T (see photos) in Year 7 who went full out with his camping experience and not only slept under the stars but he and his sister also cooked their meals on a gas stove; chopped fire wood; made a campfire; toasted marshmallows and made fire sticks. He documented all of this with photos, a written account and a video diary.
Well done Alex – your voucher is on the way to you today.
Other excellent entries include Thomas W for his den building, BBQ and bird house making and Scarlett who slept out with her dad in a makeshift camp on a trampoline with a campfire (hopefully not to close to the trampoline ) and roasted marshmallows followed by an egg and toast breakfast the next morning. Well done to all of you who entered; I hope that you enjoyed the experience.

This week I am handing over my challenge to the Mathematics department who will be asking students to prepare a Maths lesson of their own with the challenge of “Could you teach it better” – The Flipped Learning Challenge. Students will create an instructional resource using voice recordings, video and power-point to find the best way of delivering certain topics.
The best lessons (1 form each year group) will be rewarded with a £10 voucher!
You will need to do all of your own research and think carefully about how you present your lesson for maximum impact.
The lessons will be judged by the Maths department.
Mrs Rushanthan will be in contact this week with the full details of the challenge and the criteria for success.
Last week’s challenge:
Another good response from students who rose to the good deeds challenge. The heartwarming efforts the students made to make a contribution to the lives of other people should make us all really proud.
The winner this week is no stranger to good deeds, we have recognised his work in the community at previous awards events and this challenge was no exception. Daniel G not only did the basics to help around the home but he made a built his grandparents an outside letter box as their door letter box was waking them up early each morning; he made some scones for his nan; kept in touch with a homeless man who Dan has supported in the past checking in on him and taking him food parcels whilst keeping him safe by social distancing. In addition to this he helped with building work on the house and went on a litter pick each day when walking the dogs. Dan continues to make an incredible contribution to others in his community and puts most of to shame with his kindness, thoughtfulness and good deeds. Well done Daniel, you are a credit to our school and should be rightly proud of your contribution. The £10 voucher is on its way to you.
A close runner up is Catherine D who did her auntie’s shopping for her whilst isolating; made cupcakes for her neighbours as they were moving to a new house; made her 93-year-old nan a quiche and took her grandma out to a garden centre and carried her shopping home. Catherine will receive 5 X entries into the final draw for 5 chances to win £30 of amazon gift vouchers.
Special mentions this week include Marcus V who cooked, cleaned, watered the garden and provided music tuition for his younger brother. Lola B baked for her family; made an Easter trail for a younger family member to make up for the lockdown restrictions at Easter and amongst many other things even tidied her brother’s bedrooms. Oliver H who went on a long litter picking walk.
I would also like to make special mention of Thomas W who, on top of preparing lunch for him mum who is a frontline worker, made an incredibly thoughtful gesture of putting together a hamper of treats for the teachers at the school to thank them for their hard work during lockdown. This was a lovely gesture and the staff at the school were incredibly thankful for this kind sentiment. Mr Laviolette was first off the mark to claim the Marks and Spencer’s Truffles! Thank you to Thomas from all of the staff at the school for your kind gesture and thanks.
I have shared some photos of these wonderful deeds below.

Normally at this time of the year we would be celebrating the end of year 7 with the annual campout. This year would have marked the 8th annual year 7 camp out. We are really saddened that this landmark event cannot go ahead at current time. We will do our best to reschedule so that this year’s year 7 students do not miss out but there is no escaping the fact that this has been a real loss to our events calendar.
To try and hold on to some of that experience this week’s challenge is a camp out (or in) survival challenge.
The challenge is as follows:
Camp out for a whole night in the back garden or safe space with a family member.
If you don’t have a garden you can build your own camp indoors.
Cook or prepare your own food for the evening and the morning.
Undertake a camping survival skill – such as building and lighting a campfire (SUPERVISED BY AN ADULT) or building an outdoor shelter from found materials.
What you need to send me ( :
Photo or video evidence of your camp out ad a short written account of your experience; this can be done as a visual or written diary or both.
What you will be judged on:
The best camping experiences/ diaries will win.
The less creature comforts the better!
You must get permission from a parent before planning your camp.
You must stay safe and ensure you are supervised by an adult at all times.
You must observe current lockdown laws art current time and not mix with others outside of your family home.
Deadline: 25/7/2020
Last Weeks Challenge:
The “grow your own” challenge certainly went down well with our green fingered students and I had more entries for this challenge than any previous week.
Well done to all of you for sending me images of all of your hard work and the wonderful results you have achieved from your digging, landscaping, planting and growing.
I have attached some of the images below.
It was really hard to choose a winner this week.
However, I have to choose and am pleased to announce that the winner this week is Alannah R who not only did some planting and growing but also renovated some garden furniture. The £10 amazon voucher will be on its way to shortly.
Special mentions also go to Billy L for building an incredible bird house and Thomas W for his amazing landscaping and clearance work.
Emilia D, James M, Marcus V, Sebastian F also submitted excellent work and because of this high standard, all of the students above will be given 2 X entries into the prize draw at the end of this term and chance to win £30 of Amazon vouchers.

This Weeks Challenge
The “Good Deed” Challenge.
In these difficult and unusual times, it is really important that we come together as a community and help each other out.
This week’s challenge involves doing something good for someone else. It’s as simple as that.
For example, you could:
Help with jobs around the house.
Cook dinner for the family.
Bake a cake for an elderly relative or neighbor.
Give someone you know who might be struggling a call and see how they are?
Volunteer to help in your local community.
Go on a litter picking walk.
Or anything else you feel would help someone out.
You must do this safely and follow lockdown and hygiene rules.
You can do as many good deeds as you like.
You must provide evidence in photos or a diary of your good deeds and explain how they helped someone out. This should be emailed directly to me.
Deadline – 16/6/2020
I look forward to hearing about your good deeds and the impact they have.
Kind regards
Mr M. Cater
Wrotham School
Well done to everyone who entered the last weekly challenge. We had more entries to this challenge than all of the previous challenges so picking the winner was particularly hard.
However, this weeks winners are Millie and Mollie S (£10 each) – You can we their video below.
Other notable entries include Madison W with another sterling effort on the weekly challenge, Maddie B, Lola B, Emilia D and James M who all made fantastic records of them completing their challenges. All of these students will entered into the final draw for £30 of Amazon vouchers. Well done to all that took part.
This Weeks Challenge
“Grow Your Own” Gardening Challenge
With the weather forecast to be sunny and warm over the next two weeks, this is very much a challenge to get you outdoors and enjoying the fresh air. If you don’t have a garden or outside space, then window sill planting and growing will be just as fun.
This week you have three options:
A) Prepare and plant a fruit of vegetable from seed. This can be in the garden or in a windowsill pot. You could use shop bought seeds or take seeds from vegetables readily available in your cupboards at home.
B) Prepare and plant plants or flowers in a specific area of your garden.
C) Garden SOS! If you have a neglected area of your garden that needs a make- over, you can clear, tidy, mow, plant and prepare to grow. This is ideal for those who prefer a bit of active, physical work over the more patience dependent growing!
(Or you can combine all these options into one!)
This week the best entry will be judged on the following criteria:
Variety- the more you plant the better your chances of winning.
Creativity – using recycled pots or your own compost, for example.
Effort – taking some time to learn about growing plants, garden design and horticulture.
What you need to submit
Photos of your project Or a video, powerpoint or visual diary.
Deadline: This is another 2 week challenge (to allow some results to be seen) – Monday 8/6/2020
As before – the winner will receive a £10 Amazon gift voucher and all entries will be entered into the final draw for £30 at the end of the school closure period.
Useful resources:
Weekly Challenge
Thank you to everyone who has been involved with support the 2.6 challenge. We have a had a good response from students and parents and this has helped raise money for young epilepsy.
The student who raised the most money according to the just giving page is William S who raised money by completing 26 continuous back flips on a trampoline – the video is below. Well done William, the Amazon gift voucher is on its way to you. I have also donated the same amount to the fundraising page too congratulate the efforts.
This Weeks Challenge
On a similar theme to the last challenge this week we will be asking students to undertake as many of the following activities and tasks as possible.
Quite simply the student who can complete and send evidence of each one will win this week’s prize of an amazon voucher.
This challenge will last for 2 weeks to give plenty of time to take on as many elements of the challenge as possible.
You can evidence these in any way you like- photos, journals a diary or just information about how you completed each task and when. Send this to to enter the competition – all entrants will be placed in a prize draw for more Amazon vouchers at the end of the lockdown period.
CHALLENGE! | Character Strength |
1) A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS ONCE A DAY FOR A WEEK | Compassion, Respect & Integrity |
4) COMPLETE AN EXERCISE VIDEO | Motivation & Resilience |
5) DRAW A MANDALA | Creativity |
6) READ A BOOK (Extra credit for a review!) | Communication & open-Mindedness |
7) PLAY A BOARD GAME | Teamwork |
8) LEARN A NEW SKILL | Motivation, Confidence & Resilience |
9) DO SOME GARDENING/PLANT SEEDS & TEND THEM | Compassion, Confidence & Respect |
10) TAKE AN AWE-INSPIRING PHOTO OF NATURE | Creativity and Compassion |
11) WORK OUT YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT | Integrity and Compassion |
12) PREPARE AND HOST QUIZ FOR YOUR FAMILY | Communication & Teamwork |
14) WRITE A LETTER/SEND A CARD | Communication |
15) MAKE A LIST 100 EXPERIENCES YOU WILL ACHIEVE IN YOUR LIFE | Creativity & open-mindedness |
16) CLEAN/REDO YOUR ROOM | Integrity and Respect |
17) PHONE/FACETIME SOMEONE TO SEE HOW THEY ARE | Compassion & Communication |
18) LEARN A DANCE ROUTINE | Confidence & motivation |
20) PLAN A ROUND THE WORLD TRIP (COUNTRIES & MODE OF TRAVEL) | Open-mindedness, Creativity & Confidence |
21) MAKE A SCRAP BOOK OF YOUR FAVOURITE MOMENTS | Creativity & Communication |
22) SET THREE NEW GOALS | Motivation and Integrity |
24) VISIT A VIRTUAL MUSEUM | Open-Mindedness |
25) MAKE AN ORIGAMI ANIMAL | Resilience & Creativity |
As you will know – this weeks challenge runs for 2 weeks to allow everyone time to raise some money for “young epilepsy” by completing the 2.6 challenge.
In the meantime I though I would share some of the great stuff you have all been doing to achieve this.

Last Week’s Challenge
As usual it was almost impossible to choose the winning entry for this week due to the high quality of work. However, there was one stand out winner from Madison W in year 7, whose professional production, clever editing and in-depth news story really stood out as a fantastic piece of work.
£10 of Amazon vouchers are on the way to Madison, all other entries will be added to the final prize draw.
You can watch Madison’s video below (or on the school website):
This Week’s Challenge:
Charity Fundraiser Challenge “Jack’s 2.6 Challenge”
This week the challenge is going to be slightly different. Last week I was contacted by Jack Hall who has set up a just giving page to raise money for young epilepsy. This is to raise awareness and much needed money.
Jack is doing the 2.6 challenge and would like as many friends and teachers to join in. As the London Marathon can no longer go ahead we are asking people to run, jump, bike, skate, walk 2.6 miles! (Whilst following the social distancing rules) You can get as creative as you wish, maybe do 26 burpees…flip 26 pancakes, or just run 2.6 kilometres/ miles – the ideas are endless! Simply do your challenge, post a picture on the just giving page and donate what you can raise yourself.
You can find out more about the challenge on the just giving page – here:
Below is the link for Jacks page- it gives details of the challenge, information about the charity ‘Young Epilepsy’ and how you can donate.
The Challenge:
Plan and undertake your own 2.6 challenge.
Get others to sponsor you for your challenge.
Donate the money to Jack’s page with evidence of your achievement.
The most money raised will win the £10 voucher.
Everyone who donates and takes part will be added to the £30 draw.
Let’s see how much we can raise for Jack’s great cause and raise awareness of epilepsy in young people in the process.
Good luck.
Mr M. Cater
Thank you for all of your entries into last week’s creative challenge. Once again you have not disappointed with the excellent work you have created.
The Winner of the £10 Amazon voucher for this week is Jean- Claude S in Year 8. Please check your email as your voucher is on its way.
You can see his work below.

Honourable mentions for excellent work and effort go to Lola B, Alfie O, Thomas W, Rory T, George G and Madison W.
You will all be entered into the prize draw for £30 of amazon vouchers at the end of the school closure.
Deadline: 26/4/2020 (Sunday)
This week’s challenge is to create a video news report on the current event that is Coronavirus Lockdown.
You should create and edit a video piece that looks at the current situation from the perspective of a school age student on lockdown. This can be done as a video diary, a traditional style news programme or a documentary piece. You can interview others in your household and film your daily routines.
Your work will be judged on:
The quality of the video and editing – It should look as professional as possible.
The depth of the information and how it captures what it is like to be on Lockdown in 2020.
The entertainment value – does it keep the viewer engaged.
That it meets its purpose as a school report.
You should submit your video as:
A movie file sent to my email.
A link to the file.
A link to a video site like you tube.
Useful links:
I have provided some useful inks for tutorials and software below:
Thank you to all of you for your entries to last weeks “Snack Genius” cooking challenge.
Congratulations to Sky O H for her excellent video tutorial and creative snack ideas. Sky will receive a £10 Amazon voucher for her excellent work.
You can watch Sky’s hilarious tutorial video here:
Other special mentions include Emelia D and her Victoria sponge recipe, Thomas W and Ruby M M for her cupcakes (see picture below). They, along with all other entries will have their names placed into the prize draw at the end of the challenges.
Ruby M M