GCSE and A Level results – 2020
I would like to congratulate all of our students who have collected their GCSE and A Level results over the last week. Despite the disruption caused by the changes to grades and methods of award, we are very pleased with our student outcomes. These year groups have done exceptionally well and have worked hard throughout their GCSE and A level studies; they thoroughly deserve the grades they have now been awarded.
It does not feel right to boast about grades or showboat as a school during a period when so many students across the country have had such an uneven experience when receiving their results. But it is important that we recognise the significant and incredible achievement of our A Level and GCSE students this year in achieving outstanding results across the board. We are very proud of them.
With their time at the school sadly cut short they have shown great resilience through incredibly tough circumstances and I hope that they are able to celebrate their achievements and take their next steps into a rewarding and bright future with confidence.
Mr M. Cater
Wrotham School