Young Enterprise: Your Money
In enrichment sessions, Year 12 students explore how their finances and financial decisions might be affected by their career and education decisions. …
Central London Trip
Our sixth form students travel to Central London and then, in groups, complete a series of challenges as part of their enrichment programme. The trip allows them to familiarise themselves with travelling around London (as a possible future place of employment or …
.CAREERS SESSIONS: Introduction to 16-18 Careers Education
In weekly careers sessions, Year 12 students are taught a number of topics that are relevant to their continuing professional development (CPD). Planning for work experience is launched so the skills covered in this unit will be put into practice through the …
Higher and Degree Apprenticeships Listing
The higher and degree apprenticeship listing is released in October and January every year. This is advertised to our students in Year 13 so that they can get support in making their applications. We also encourage our Year 12 students to search …